The First Order - Connection to Self

Writing is one of the most effective tools that enables us to connect to ourselves and become aware of what is driving us at a certain moment in time.

Connection to self is a like a perpetual dance of adjusting the lens to embrace our truest selves at a moment in time. Over the years, I've seamlessly woven writing into my daily routine. Many of you, who share the practice of keeping journals, understand that during our collaborative sessions, we often tailor and engage in writing exercises. These exercises prove instrumental in unveiling underlying issues or solutions to the situations you grapple with. The remarkable takeaway is that dedicating time and space to sit with oneself fosters clarity and relief, allowing these transformative moments to naturally surface within you. These moments become part of your self-care while also being a  pause during their day to hold your own space and it is so profoundly revealing.  These moments allow an unedited unfiltered expression to come through. It is a key tool that coupled with a sincere intention to stop running away or judging ourselves as incompetent, and incomplete allows us to "be with" "honor our experience" and see our truest thoughts bubble up.

It is too easy to get lost in our minds jumping unaware and dragging a thought or belief that has lost its relevance into new situations where it makes no sense and makes us feel frustrated. Sitting quietly and dialoguing with ourselves allows us to recalibrate and contemplate new more nuanced, thoughtful alternatives. The relentless chatter of the mind, constantly seeking to harden narratives that are rigid, or irrelevant and then it is like we are a stranger in our own head. So it is in these microseconds that we sit and meet our experience. When I sit to write, especially in a moment of frustration or disconnection, I let the thoughts flow out and I listen deeply to them. After all, they have emerged from within right?

I have discovered that often what these moments can offer is nothing short of a  recalibration.  We are beings in motion intertwined with the vast universe and when things get glitchy we need to sit with whatever is there.

Think of journaling as an intimate rendezvous with your innermost self. As I open the pages of my journal, I step into a sacred space, a meeting ground where I engage in a profound dialogue with myself. It is here that I witness myself at a specific moment in time, without judgment or the shackles of perfection. I have come to realize that one does not need to be a skilled writer to commune with their essence. Whether I devote a single minute, or five minutes, or lose track of time altogether, it is the intention of connection that leads the process. I mute the inner critic and editor, allowing my thoughts to flow freely, embracing the rawness of my emotions and what may have started as one voice becomes many. I am curious about this process and I know it holds so much promise for us.

Through these sacred meditative rituals, I have discovered a profound sense of comfort and belonging. The more I embrace these moments of self-encounter, the more I become acquainted with the recurring themes that emerge, as well as with the depths of my being. 

I am learning through this practice to embrace the contradictions that are woven into the fabric of my experiences, knowing that problems are not mere puzzles to be solved, but enigmatic messengers yearning to be understood.

What do you say? Want to give it a try?  Invite yourself gently to a comfy chair and let your journal become a sanctuary for your deepest thoughts, dreams, and reflections. Embrace each word, each stroke of the pen, as an act of self-love and self-expression. Allow the pages to hold YOU. For it is in these precious moments of communion that you will unravel the mysteries of your soul and witness the magnificent transformation that arises when you connect to the very essence of who you are.

To schedule a free introduction session you are welcome to reach out via WhatsApp (954)559-7919 / email